Project - 'Fairtrade Fortnight WILTSHIRE 2024'
Monday 9th to Wednesday 25th September 2024
Celebrating 30 Years of the Fairtrade Mark in the UK
Events in Wiltshire, Devon and Suffolk and the Houses of Parliament...
A GALLERY of Patrick's Appearances
This Image Gallery is being built and is gradually being published
CHECK Town links below...
Celebrating 30 Years
of the Fairtrade Mark in the UK 1994----- the time line-----2023 |
CALNE Gallery 9th - 11th & 20th September
CORSHAM Gallery 12th - 13th September (images awaited)
FAIRTRADE DEVON CONFERENCE 2024 Gallery 14th September (images awaited)
Patrick's Recreation DAY 15th September (images awaited)
BRADFORD ON AVON Gallery 16th - 17th September
TROWBRIDGE Gallery 16th - 17th September (images awaited)
DEVIZES Gallery 18th - 19th September
SUFFOLK TOWNS Gallery 20 - 24 September (more images awaited)
HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT VISIT Wed 25th September 2024 Gallery
You can CLICK to the Archive of Full Event Itinerary and Programme by Town HERE

This project has been supported by a Community Grant from Calne Town Council in 2024.
The amount awarded was £750.00. Other supporting Town Councils, Fairtrade Groups and Private Donations have also generously funded the project.
This project has been supported by a Community Grant from Calne Town Council in 2024.
The amount awarded was £750.00. Other supporting Town Councils, Fairtrade Groups and Private Donations have also generously funded the project.
As well as being supported and hosted by Fairtrade Groups, Patrick's tour is also supported by the following Town Councils and Organisations: