2020 Upcycling Competition
Mrs Rita Walker
Rita taught GCSE technology textiles and A level Art Textiles in a Secondary School in Hungerford.
She collaborated with festival organisers, local charity shops, the WI and a local milliner to run a Sustainable Fashion Show as part of HADCAF (Hungerford and District Arts Festival) for 2 Years (2011/2012)
Students designed and made clothing and hats from pre-used fabrics- the most popular fabric used was denim, as this was easy to come by!
Reduce, re-use and recycling projects in lower school included making novelty fabrics from sweet wrappers that were stitched and laminated then recut to make luggage holders and passport covers.
Rita taught GCSE technology textiles and A level Art Textiles in a Secondary School in Hungerford.
She collaborated with festival organisers, local charity shops, the WI and a local milliner to run a Sustainable Fashion Show as part of HADCAF (Hungerford and District Arts Festival) for 2 Years (2011/2012)
Students designed and made clothing and hats from pre-used fabrics- the most popular fabric used was denim, as this was easy to come by!
Reduce, re-use and recycling projects in lower school included making novelty fabrics from sweet wrappers that were stitched and laminated then recut to make luggage holders and passport covers.